Source: treenodes.js

import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { objectToNode } from './lib/object-to-node';
import { Promise } from 'es6-promise';
import { recurseDown } from './lib/recurse-down';
import TreeNode from './treenode';

 * Base function to invoke given method(s) on tree nodes.
 * @private
 * @param {TreeNode} nodes Array of node objects.
 * @param {string|array} methods Method names.
 * @param {array|Arguments} args Array of arguments to proxy.
 * @param {boolean} deep Invoke deeply.
 * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
function baseInvoke(nodes, methods, args, deep) {
    methods = _.castArray(methods);


    nodes[deep ? 'recurseDown' : 'each'](node => {
        _.each(methods, method => {
            if (_.isFunction(node[method])) {
                node[method].apply(node, args);


    return nodes;

 * Creates a predicate function.
 * @private
 * @param {string|function} predicate Property name or custom function.
 * @return {function} Predicate function.
function getPredicateFunction(predicate) {
    let fn = predicate;
    if (_.isString(predicate)) {
        fn = node => (_.isFunction(node[predicate]) ? node[predicate]() : node[predicate]);

    return fn;

 * Base function to filter nodes by state value.
 * @private
 * @param {string} state State property
 * @param {boolean} full Return a non-flat hierarchy
 * @return {TreeNodes} Array of matching nodes.
function baseStatePredicate(state, full) {
    if (full) {
        return this.extract(state);

    // Cache a state predicate function
    const fn = getPredicateFunction(state);

    return this.flatten(node => {
        // Never include removed nodes unless specifically requested
        if (state !== 'removed' && node.removed()) {
            return false;

        return fn(node);

 * An Array-like collection of TreeNodes.
 * Note: Due to issue in many javascript environments,
 * native objects are problematic to extend correctly
 * so we mimic it, not actually extend it.
 * @param {InspireTree} tree Context tree.
 * @param {array} array Array of TreeNode objects.
 * @param {object} opts Configuration object.
 * @return {TreeNodes} Collection of TreeNode
class TreeNodes extends Array {
    constructor(tree, array, opts) {

        if (_.isFunction(_.get(tree, 'isTree')) && !tree.isTree(tree)) {
            throw new TypeError('Invalid tree instance.');

        this._tree = tree;
        this.length = 0;
        this.batching = 0;

        // A custom dirty flag to indicate when an index-altering
        // change has occured. Avoids re-caching when unnecessary.
        this.indicesDirty = false;

        this.config = _.defaultsDeep({}, opts, {
            calculateRenderablePositions: false

        // Init pagination
        this._pagination = {
            limit: tree.config.pagination.limit,
            total: 0

        if (_.isArray(array) || array instanceof TreeNodes) {
            _.each(array, node => {
                if (node instanceof TreeNode) {
                else {

     * Adds a new node. If a sort method is configured,
     * the node will be added in the appropriate order.
     * @param {object} object Node
     * @return {TreeNode} Node object.
    addNode(object) {
        // Base insertion index
        let index = this.length;

        // If tree is sorted, insert in correct position
        if (this._tree.config.sort) {
            index = _.sortedIndexBy(this, object, this._tree.config.sort);

        return this.insertAt(index, object);

     * Release pending data changes to any listeners.
     * Will skip rendering as long as any calls
     * to `batch` have yet to be resolved,
     * @private
     * @return {void}
    applyChanges() {
        if (this.batching === 0) {

            this._tree.emit('changes.applied', this.context());

     * Batch multiple changes for listeners (i.e. DOM)
     * @private
     * @return {void}
    batch() {
        if (this.batching < 0) {
            this.batching = 0;


     * Query for all available nodes.
     * @param {boolean} full Retain full hiearchy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    available(full) {
        return, 'available', full);

     * Blur nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    blur() {
        return this.invoke('blur');

     * Blur (deeply) all nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    blurDeep() {
        return this.invokeDeep('blur');

     * Calculate and cache the first/last renderable nodes.
     * Primarily useful for rendering engines, since hidden DOM
     * nodes may still be present and CSS :first/:last selectors
     * would fail.
     * @private
     * @return {void}
    calculateRenderablePositions() {
        if (!this.indicesDirty || this.batching > 0 || !this.config.calculateRenderablePositions) {

        let first;
        let last;

        this.each(node => {
            if (node.renderable()) {
                // Cache first node if none yet
                first = first || node;

                // Always update last node on match
                last = node;

        if (this.firstRenderableNode && this.firstRenderableNode !== first) {

        if (first && first !== this.firstRenderableNode) {

        if (this.lastRenderableNode && this.lastRenderableNode !== last) {

        if (last && last !== this.lastRenderableNode) {

        this.firstRenderableNode = first;
        this.lastRenderableNode = last;
        this.indicesDirty = false;

     * Query for all checked nodes.
     * @param {boolean} full Retain full hiearchy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    checked(full) {
        return, 'checked', full);

     * Clean nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    clean() {
        return this.invoke('clean');

     * Clones (deeply) the array of nodes.
     * Note: Cloning will *not* clone the context pointer.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of cloned nodes.
    clone() {
        return new TreeNodes(this._tree, this);

     * Collapse nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    collapse() {
        return this.invoke('collapse');

     * Query for all collapsed nodes.
     * @param {boolean} full Retain full hiearchy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    collapsed(full) {
        return, 'collapsed', full);

     * Collapse (deeply) all children.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    collapseDeep() {
        return this.invokeDeep('collapse');

     * Concat multiple TreeNodes arrays.
     * @param {TreeNodes} nodes Array of nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Resulting node array.
    concat(nodes) {
        const newNodes = new TreeNodes(this._tree);
        newNodes._context = this._context;

        const pusher = node => {
            if (node instanceof TreeNode) {

        _.each(this, pusher);
        _.each(nodes, pusher);

        // Copy pagination limit
        newNodes._pagination.limit = this._pagination.limit;

        return newNodes;

     * Get the context of this collection. If a collection
     * of children, context is the parent node. Otherwise
     * the context is the tree itself.
     * @return {TreeNode|object} Node object or tree instance.
    context() {
        return this._context || this._tree;

     * Copy nodes to another tree instance.
     * @param {object} dest Destination Inspire Tree.
     * @param {boolean} hierarchy Include necessary ancestors to match hierarchy.
     * @param {boolean} includeState Include itree.state object.
     * @return {object} Methods to perform action on copied nodes.
    copy(dest, hierarchy, includeState) {
        const newNodes = new TreeNodes(this._tree);

        _.each(this, node => {
            newNodes.push(node.copy(dest, hierarchy, includeState));

        return newNodes;

     * Return deepest nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    deepest() {
        const matches = new TreeNodes(this._tree);

        this.recurseDown(node => {
            if (!node.children) {

        return matches;

     * Deselect nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    deselect() {
        return this.invoke('deselect');

     * Deselect (deeply) all nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    deselectDeep() {
        return this.invokeDeep('deselect');

     * Iterate each TreeNode.
     * @param {function} iteratee Iteratee invoke for each node.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    each(iteratee) {
        _.each(this, iteratee);

        return this;

     * Query for all editable nodes.
     * @param {boolean} full Retain full hiearchy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    editable(full) {
        return, 'editable', full);

     * Query for all nodes in editing mode.
     * @param {boolean} full Retain full hiearchy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    editing(full) {
        return, 'editing', full);

     * Release the current batch.
     * @private
     * @return {void}
    end() {

        if (this.batching === 0) {

     * Expand nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    expand() {
        return this.invoke('expand');

     * Query for all expanded nodes.
     * @param {boolean} full Retain full hiearchy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    expanded(full) {
        return, 'expanded', full);

     * Expand (deeply) all nodes.
     * @return {Promise<TreeNodes>} Promise resolved when all children have loaded and expanded.
    expandDeep() {
        return new Promise(resolve => {
            let waitCount = 0;

            const done = () => {
                if (--waitCount === 0) {

            this.recurseDown(node => {

                // Ignore nodes without children
                if (node.children) {
                    node.expand().catch(done).then(() => {
                        // Manually trigger expansion on newly loaded children
                else {

     * Expand parents.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    expandParents() {
        return this.invoke('expandParents');

     * Clone a hierarchy of all nodes matching a predicate.
     * Because it filters deeply, we must clone all nodes so that we
     * don't affect the actual node array.
     * @param {string|function} predicate State flag or custom function.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    extract(predicate) {
        const flat = this.flatten(predicate);
        const matches = new TreeNodes(this._tree);

        _.each(flat, node => matches.addNode(node.copyHierarchy()));

        return matches;

     * Filter all nodes matching the given predicate.
     * @param {string|function} predicate State flag or custom function.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    filterBy(predicate) {
        const fn = getPredicateFunction(predicate);
        const matches = new TreeNodes(this._tree);

        _.each(this, node => {
            if (fn(node)) {

        return matches;

     * Returns the first node matching predicate.
     * @param {function} predicate Predicate function, accepts a single node and returns a boolean.
     * @return {TreeNode} First matching TreeNode, or undefined.
    find(predicate) {
        let match;

        this.recurseDown(node => {
            if (predicate(node)) {
                match = node;

                return false;

        return match;

     * Returns the first shallow node matching predicate.
     * @param {function} predicate Predicate function, accepts a single node and returns a boolean.
     * @return {TreeNode} First matching TreeNode, or undefined.
    first(predicate) {
        for (let i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
            if (predicate(this[i])) {
                return this[i];

     * Flatten and get only node(s) matching the expected state or predicate function.
     * @param {string|function} predicate State property or custom function.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Flat array of matching nodes.
    flatten(predicate) {
        const flat = new TreeNodes(this._tree);

        const fn = getPredicateFunction(predicate);
        this.recurseDown(node => {
            if (fn(node)) {

        return flat;

     * Query for all focused nodes.
     * @param {boolean} full Retain full hiearchy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    focused(full) {
        return, 'focused', full);

     * Iterate each TreeNode.
     * @param {function} iteratee Iteratee invoke for each node.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    forEach(iteratee) {
        return this.each(iteratee);

     * Get a specific node by its index, or undefined if it doesn't exist.
     * @param {int} index Numeric index of requested node.
     * @return {TreeNode} Node object. Undefined if invalid index.
    get(index) {
        return this[index];

     * Query for all hidden nodes.
     * @param {boolean} full Retain full hiearchy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    hidden(full) {
        return, 'hidden', full);

     * Hide nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    hide() {
        return this.invoke('hide');

     * Hide (deeply) all nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    hideDeep() {
        return this.invokeDeep('hide');

     * Query for all indeterminate nodes.
     * @param {boolean} full Retain full hiearchy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    indeterminate(full) {
        return, 'indeterminate', full);

     * Insert a new node at a given position.
     * @param {integer} index Index at which to insert the node.
     * @param {object} object Raw node object or TreeNode.
     * @return {TreeNode} Node object.
    insertAt(index, object) {
        // If node has a pre-existing ID
        if ( {
            // Is it already in the tree?
            const existingNode = this.node(;
            if (existingNode) {

                // Merge children
                if (_.isArrayLike(object.children)) {
                    // Setup existing node's children property if needed
                    if (!_.isArrayLike(existingNode.children)) {
                        existingNode.children = new TreeNodes(this._tree);
                        existingNode.children._context = existingNode;

                    // Copy each child (using addNode, which uses insertAt)
                    _.each(object.children, child => {

                // Merge truthy children
                else if (object.children && _.isBoolean(existingNode.children)) {
                    existingNode.children = object.children;


                // Node merged, return it.
                return existingNode;

        // Node is new, insert at given location.
        const node = this._tree.constructor.isTreeNode(object) ? object : objectToNode(this._tree, object);

        // Grab remaining nodes
        this.splice(index, 0, node);

        // Refresh parent state and mark dirty
        if (this._context) {
            node.itree.parent = this._context;

        // Event
        this._tree.emit('node.added', node);

        // Always mark this node as dirty

        // If pushing this node anywhere but the end, other nodes may change.
        if (this.length - 1 !== index) {


        return node;

     * Invoke method(s) on each node.
     * @param {string|array} methods Method name(s).
     * @param {array|Arguments} args Array of arguments to proxy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    invoke(methods, args) {
        return baseInvoke(this, methods, args);

     * Invoke method(s) deeply.
     * @param {string|array} methods Method name(s).
     * @param {array|Arguments} args Array of arguments to proxy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    invokeDeep(methods, args) {
        if (!_.isArrayLikeObject(args) || arguments.length > 2) {
            args = _.tail(arguments);

        return baseInvoke(this, methods, args, true);

     * Returns the last shallow node matching predicate.
     * @param {function} predicate Predicate function, accepts a single node and returns a boolean.
     * @return {TreeNode} Last matching shallow TreeNode, or undefined.
    last(predicate) {
        for (let i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (predicate(this[i])) {
                return this[i];

     * Query for all nodes currently loading children.
     * @param {boolean} full Retain full hiearchy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    loading(full) {
        return, 'loading', full);

     * Loads additional nodes for this context.
     * @param {Event} event Click or scroll event if DOM interaction triggered this call.
     * @return {Promise<TreeNodes>} Resolves with request results.
    loadMore(event) {
        // Never refire if node is loading
        if (this._loading) {
            return Promise.reject(new Error('Pending loadMore call must complete before being invoked again.'));

        let promise;

        // If no records remain, immediately resolve
        if (this._pagination.limit === {
            return Promise.resolve();

        // Set loading flag, prevents repeat requests
        this._loading = true;

        // Mark this context as dirty since we'll update text/tree nodes
        _.invoke(this._context, 'markDirty');

        // Increment the pagination
        this._pagination.limit += this._tree.config.pagination.limit;

        // Emit an event
        this._tree.emit('node.paginated', this._context || this._tree, this.pagination, event);

        if (this._tree.config.deferredLoading) {
            if (this._context) {
                promise = this._context.loadChildren();
            else {
                promise = this._tree.load(;
        else {
            this._loading = false;

            promise = Promise.resolve();


        // Clear the loading flag
        if (this._tree.config.deferredLoading) {
            promise.then(() => {
                this._loading = false;
            }).catch(() => {
                this._loading = false;

        return promise;

     * Query for all nodes matched in the last search.
     * @param {boolean} full Retain full hiearchy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    matched(full) {
        return, 'matched', full);

     * Move node at a given index to a new index.
     * @param {int} index Current index.
     * @param {int} newIndex New index.
     * @param {TreeNodes} target Target TreeNodes array. Defaults to this.
     * @return {TreeNode} Node object.
    move(index, newIndex, target = this) {
        const oldNode = this[index].remove();
        const node = target.insertAt(newIndex, oldNode);

        this._tree.emit('node.moved', node, this, index, target, newIndex);

        return node;

     * Get a node.
     * @param {string|number} id ID of node.
     * @return {TreeNode} Node object.
    node(id) {
        let match;

        this.recurseDown(node => {
            if ( === id) {
                match = node;

                return false;

        return match;

     * Get all nodes in a tree, or nodes for an array of IDs.
     * @param {array} refs Array of ID references.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
     * @example
     * const all = tree.nodes()
     * const some = tree.nodes([1, 2, 3])
    nodes(refs) {
        let results;

        if (_.isArray(refs)) {
            results = new TreeNodes(this._tree);

            this.recurseDown(node => {
                if (refs.indexOf( > -1) {

        return _.isArray(refs) ? results : this;

     * Get the pagination.
     * @return {object} Pagination configuration object.
    pagination() {
        return this._pagination;

     * Removes the last node.
     * @return {TreeNode} Last tree node.
    pop() {
        const result = super.pop();

        this.indicesDirty = true;

        return result;

     * Push a new TreeNode onto the collection.
     * @param {TreeNode} node Node objext.
     * @returns {number} The new length.
    push(node) {
        const result = super.push(node);

        this.indicesDirty = true;

        return result;

     * Iterate down all nodes and any children.
     * Return false to stop execution.
     * @param {function} iteratee Iteratee function.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Resulting nodes.
    recurseDown(iteratee) {
        recurseDown(this, iteratee);

        return this;

     * Remove a node.
     * @param {TreeNode} node Node object.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Resulting nodes.
    remove(node) {
        _.remove(this, { id: });
        _.invoke(this._context, 'markDirty');

        this.indicesDirty = true;

        return this;

     * Query for all soft-removed nodes.
     * @param {boolean} full Retain full hiearchy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    removed(full) {
        return, 'removed', full);

     * Restore nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    restore() {
        return this.invoke('restore');

     * Restore (deeply) all nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    restoreDeep() {
        return this.invokeDeep('restore');

     * Select nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    select() {
        return this.invoke('select');

     * Query for all selectable nodes.
     * @param {boolean} full Retain full hiearchy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    selectable(full) {
        return, 'selectable', full);

     * Select (deeply) all nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    selectDeep() {
        return this.invokeDeep('select');

     * Query for all selected nodes.
     * @param {boolean} full Retain full hiearchy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    selected(full) {
        return, 'selected', full);

     * Removes the first node.
     * @param {TreeNode} node Node object.
     * @return {TreeNode} Node object.
    shift(node) {
        const result = super.shift(node);

        this.indicesDirty = true;

        return result;

     * Show nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    show() {
        return this.invoke('show');

     * Show (deeply) all nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    showDeep() {
        return this.invokeDeep('show');

     * Soft-remove nodes.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    softRemove() {
        return this.invoke('softRemove');

     * Sorts all TreeNode objects in this collection.
     * If no custom sorter given, the configured "sort" value will be used.
     * @param {string|function} sorter Sort function or property name.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    sortBy(sorter) {
        sorter = sorter || this._tree.config.sort;

        // Only apply sort if one provided
        if (sorter) {

            const sorted = _.sortBy(this, sorter);

            this.length = 0;
            _.each(sorted, node => {

            this.indicesDirty = true;


        return this;

     * Sorts (deeply) all nodes in this collection.
     * @param {function} comparator [description]
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    sortDeep(comparator) {

        this.each(node => {
            if (node.hasChildren()) {

        return this;

     * Changes array contents by removing existing nodes and/or adding new nodes.
     * @param {number} start Start index.
     * @param {number} deleteCount Number of nodes to delete.
     * @param {TreeNode} ...nodes One or more nodes.
     * @return {array} Array of deleted elements.
    splice() {
        const result = super.splice.apply(this, arguments);

        this.indicesDirty = true;

        return result;

     * Set nodes' state values.
     * @param {string} name Property name.
     * @param {boolean} newVal New value, if setting.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    state() {
        return this.invoke('state', arguments);

     * Set (deeply) nodes' state values.
     * @param {string} name Property name.
     * @param {boolean} newVal New value, if setting.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    stateDeep() {
        return this.invokeDeep('state', arguments);

     * Swaps two node positions.
     * @param {TreeNode} node1 Node 1.
     * @param {TreeNode} node2 Node 2.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    swap(node1, node2) {

        const n1Context = node1.context();
        const n2Context = node2.context();

        // Cache. Note: n2Index is only usable once
        const n1Index = n1Context.indexOf(node1);
        const n2Index = n2Context.indexOf(node2);

        // If contexts match, we can simply re-assign them
        if (n1Context === n2Context) {
            this[n1Index] = node2;
            this[n2Index] = node1;

            // Emit move events for each node
            this._tree.emit('node.moved', node1, n1Context, n1Index, n2Context, n2Index);
            this._tree.emit('node.moved', node2, n2Context, n2Index, n1Context, n1Index);
        else {
            // Otherwise, we have to move between contexts
            // Move node 1 to node 2's index
            n1Context.move(n1Index, n2Context.indexOf(node2), n2Context);

            // Move node 2 to node 1s original index
            n2Context.move(n2Context.indexOf(node2), n1Index, n1Context);

        this.indicesDirty = true;


        this._tree.emit('node.swapped', node1, n1Context, n1Index, node2, n2Context, n2Index);

        return this;

     * Get the tree instance.
     * @return {InspireTree} Tree instance.
    tree() {
        return this._tree;

     * Get a native node Array.
     * @return {array} Array of node objects.
    toArray() {
        const array = [];

        _.each(this, node => {

        return array;

     * Adds a node to beginning of the collection.
     * @param {TreeNode} node Node object.
     * @return {number} New length of collection.
    unshift(node) {
        const result = super.unshift(node);

        this.indicesDirty = true;

        return result;

     * Query for all visible nodes.
     * @param {boolean} full Retain full hiearchy.
     * @return {TreeNodes} Array of node objects.
    visible(full) {
        return, 'visible', full);

export default TreeNodes;